viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Starting being healthy !

Helloo beautiful people, i'm baaaack ! 

I thought i might as well do a post about my new 'healthier' way of eating. I'm not, nor have i ever been health concious, EVER. Counting calories really isn't my thing, but recently i've decided to start eating healthy foods, and drinking more water; here are a few things i've changed in my diet, maybe i can inspire people to do the same !

1: First of all, i've started drinking way more water, its hard, but it works, my skin cleared up a bit, and i generally started to feel healthier. The only down side is that i have to pee every 5 minutes, legit. I HATE waking up with a full bladder, but, its a small price to pay !
2: Okay, so every morning, i make my own smoothie. It's totally delicious and doesn't contain anything you can't find in your local shop. I put about 6-7 frozen strawberries in my blender, you can either use fresh strawberries and freeze them, or you can use the ones that are already frozen (in the freezer section of the shop), then you can add any other fruit, i've used frozen blueberries in one, and also you can chop up half a banana add throw it in. After the fruit, i add some cloudy apple juice, milk. I also add in some yoghurt drink (i use mango, but you can use whatever you want) Then after adding everything in your blender, you blend it (duhh lol) and the drink it ! It's super tasty, i love it ! I always find that i have more energy throughout the day after having one. Which, for me, is really handy !
3: As i said before, i have never ever counted calories, to me, its not important. I saw my cousin Holly doing it, when we were like 10, when i stayed over at her house one week during summer holiday, and i was like wtf, what is she doing ? Because i was grabbing every un-healthy thing in sight -lol- and she was behind me counting all the calories of the back of a crisp packet. In my eyes, people at the age of 10 shouldn't be worried about that kind of thing. Hollys mum is the same as her daughter, like mother like daughter. All they ever watched on the telly were health shows, on how to eat healthy food, also they watched all the weight loosing shows. So, she tried to make healthy food, and tbh, her food tasted like utter SHIT... Not because it was healthy, it was because she is a crap chef, and didn't know how to cook healthy foods properly. The shows are like poison, don't watch them, i never have, only 'cos my mum never let me, for obvious reasons, my mum and nan are both incredible chefs. My nan and grandad have owned countless restaurants and hotels, and my mum and nan were the main chefs. Not gonna lie, my mums and nans food is incredible. They make sure its healthy, but hearty. Thats the best kind of food. So, if you are weight concious, stop worrying about the calories and eat what you think is best ! Don't listen to those crazy dieting shows, because everyone is different, one diet may work for one person, but it probably wont work for you. My best advice to any teenager is too eat proper food, don't worry about calories or fat. Don't worry about eating Mc Donalds, or KFC, your body is young, its meant to deal with those kind of foods. Just make sure you don't over do it ! Don't have a Mc Dondals 5 times a week, because thats when your problems will start. Pace yourself out, for instance if you have a Micky D's one day, and you maybe are feeling guilty for eating it after, make up for it by eating some fruit, or by doing some exercise ! You should never feel guilty about eating though. Take charge of what you eat ! If you wanna eat healthier foods, take a look at Jamie Olivier, he's brilliant, if you go to and search his name, you will find hundreds of amazing healthy recipes ! My mum has his 10 minute meals recipe book and its brilliant ! 

I had an eating disorder last year, because i felt the need to punish myself, i felt fat, and i wanted to loose as much weight as possible, so, i stopped eating, i ignored my hunger, and eventually i stopped feeling hungry. It was horrible and i never wanna go back to that place, i dropped 2 dress sizes in a month, i was self harming, i was so completely depressed. But one day my mum noticed how thin i was. So after that day, I gradually started eating more regularly, even if i wasn't hungry at lunch time, i'd eat something, and i am now way better off. If you stop eating you body will shut down. Believe me, its silly, but i honestly thought i was fat. I was a healthy size 6 before i lost all my weight, and i dropped to a size 2 uk size. I thought i would feel better after loosing all the weight, but i didn't, and you probably won't either. Your hair will start to fall out, your nails will crack. You will be really unhealthy. And you could kill yourself. I know this is hard, from personal experience, but NEVER feel bad about the way you look. You are beautiful ! You are one of a kind ! No one will ever be like you ! Your body is beautiful so embrace it ! Don't ever feel guilty for being bigger than the rest of your friends, 'cos they are probably more unhappy than you are. Big, small, tall, short, it doesn't matter what you look like, you are you, and you are beautiful !


Remember i am always here to help !

Twitter: @TammyloouBieber

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